Why should I choose an online Tech Support app?

Why should I choose an online tech support app?

As the world continues to shift toward digital solutions for most of our everyday interactions, the need for on demand online tech support is only increasing. 

The old model of a separate IT Department is starting to prevent companies from being innovative, customer-focused and digitally transformed because it hinders agile integration and on-the-go solutions. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, more people are working from home and the demand for fast, reliable and convenient IT support has grown exponentially. 

How can online tech support apps help?

Online tech support apps like NerdApp are here to stay. They represent a future-focused approach that allows people to access their tech support in the same way they order a pizza, buy the latest fashion or hail a ride. 

Instead of being limited to the skills and services of a single IT team, online tech support websites like Nerdapp allow users to find specialist IT support technicians nearby or online that can assist with specific issues across a wide spectrum - from physical computer repairs, and device setups, peripheral setups to online troubleshooting, data backups, cloud syncing, social media and website support, WIFI and network support and even 3rd level support services such as systems, security and networking – all on one platform. 

Online tech support or face to face computer tech support

For some people, being able to access on demand online tech support is the most convenient way to solve their IT issues quickly and simply. For others, having an IT support technician come to their home or business and help them in person is far less intimidating and allows them to have a more personal experience. They can discuss and demonstrate exactly what they are struggling with. The ability to offer on-site IT support also allows technicians to assist with more physical IT support issues like hardware problems, device setups and peripheral support issues.  

Specialist IT support technicians

When you choose to use an online tech support app like Nerdapp for your IT support needs, you are also gaining access to a network of highly skilled and vetted experts in a wide range of IT support services. Every nerd on Nerdapp has been carefully vetted to ensure users have a safe, positive experience. Nerds are chosen for their unique skills and experience they bring to the platform so that users can get access to the widest range of support – whether it’s a complex networking issue for a business or a simple data transfer to a new laptop. Another benefit of online tech support apps is that users can leave reviews for their technicians and this allows other customers to clearly see a record of their past work on the app and how well they were rated according to their skill and customer service.. 

Business IT support or personal IT support

In the past, businesses had to rely heavily on overburdened IT departments to solve their IT support issues, but that meant waiting until someone became available and potentially not having the right person for the job. Online tech support apps empower business owners to choose when and how they get support and find the ideal candidate who understands the most common IT problems businesses face and can help solve them. Businesses no longer have to spend days offline or waiting for solutions. Instead, with an app like Nerdapp, they can find someone to assist instantly! 

For individual users, online tech support apps can take away the ‘scary’ part of IT. Many people have no IT skills at all and are completely overwhelmed when things go wrong. Others, like older people, may feel out of touch with new technology and don’t know where to start. But with home tech support options they can reach out instantly for someone skilled and get a resolution before things become overwhelming.

Why online tech support apps are more affordable

A dedicated IT department can work out costly for a business – with salaries for each member of the team while at the same time not being able to cover all IT service requirements. Choosing to switch to an online IT support platform means that those costs are exponentially reduced. Businesses can opt to pay upfront, pay-as-you-go or a monthly subscription from as little as £230 for 5 hours to access on demand IT support from qualified technicians, rather than paying for staff whose services aren’t always required. 

This cost-saving applies to individuals too. Because there are set rates per hour for IT support technicians on apps like Nerdapp, you can manage the costs according to your budget. Individual users can access on-site tech support for as little as £48 an hour and get 15 minutes of online tech support for £12!

Customer support for your IT support

When you are working with an IT Department or private IT support contractor, there is often no recourse if something goes wrong. If the technician fails in their task or there is a disagreement on any issue, there is often nowhere to turn. When you use online tech support platforms, you have access to customer support via the app or website where you can reach out at any time and ask a question, make a complaint or leave other feedback about your experience. This applies to both customers and technicians, who have the benefit of support if they find themselves in a position where they need it 

Online tech support apps are the future

Technology is only getting smarter and so we will always need skilled people to offer support when we are out of our depth. Choosing an online IT support platform means opting to enjoy a convenient time and place for support, access to highly skilled IT support specialists at your fingertips and being able to manage your budget. For businesses or individuals, online IT support apps like Nerdapp will become the standard for IT support, as more people work remotely and the world continues to become more tech-reliant and distributed. 

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