5 Common IT problems faced by businesses today

Whether you’re running a small, growing business or a large enterprise, IT challenges have the potential to cause more than just missed deadlines and frustration. It’s estimated that IT downtime costs businesses $1.55 million annually.

So, what are the some of the biggest tech issues affecting businesses today?

1) Security Threats

The increasing number of IT security threats mean this is potentially the most dangerous issue companies face, particularly those that deal in sensitive information.

From hackers to malware, phishing and data breaches, cyber-attacks can be costly and damaging to businesses. Since these threats are continuously evolving, investing in an ongoing IT security strategy is imperative for any business.

2) Data Management

Arriving at work and discovering all your data is missing is something everyone dreads. Yet, many businesses still don’t have a solid data backup strategy. Data breaches aren’t just inconvenient. Whether from a cyber attack, equipment malfunction, power outage or human error, they can end up costing companies dearly in time and money.

Data backups should be a regular part of day to day business through either cloud services, backup servers or external storage.

3) Cloud Confusion

Cloud storage can be incredibly convenient for businesses, but it can also be confusing.

Issues like security and compatibility make choosing a cloud storage service difficult. Ultimately, the service needs to meet the unique requirements of each business. Once the business has decided on its cloud model, it’s important to schedule backups and implement security measures with regular health checks.

4) No IT Plan or lack of professional Assistance

It can be overwhelming for businesses to stay on top of their IT demands without adequate support from qualified IT professionals.

It’s also not a good idea to wait until something goes wrong (which is often the case) before you come up with an emergency IT Plan (disaster Recovery). Instead, find a trusted IT Support professional and work with them to identify the solution that your business needs and plan for the future with a reliable strategy.

5) Lack of physical IT support for a dispersed workforce

With much of the population working from home, or even just working in the evening or weekends, means that access to IT pro's for issues like hardware or connectivity can be tricky. Most IT Support companies only offer remote IT services and struggle to send their office-based technicians out to multiple locations.

Try outsourcing your end-user IT support to NerdApp! You can add a group of trusted Nerds to your business portal to service your employees on-demand, and have the flexibility to authorise their support requests if preferred. We take care in vetting every Nerd to ensure the highest possible service delivery for your business. Get Nerds out to your users, or ask for help remotely to increase productivity and boost your team's happiness index!

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